Hair growth guarantee

With the demands of our daily lives, we as women tend to stress about everything. It is normal however to loose up to 100 strands of hair per day. Excessive hair loss / alopecia can be a dreadful experience,on the other hand. Going to hair clinics can be an expensive exercise. And there is never a quick fix, though. 

I do have a tried and tested recipe for hair loss and hair growth. I got it from a friend in Singapore, when I visited in 2019. She made this concoction. I forgot about it and I started using it for a month now (Twice a week). I works like a bomb.

Recipe as follows:

* 2 X Tablespoons raw rice

* 1 x full glass of water in a glass jar (overnight this to have fermented water

* 1 x red onion chopped

* cook/ simmer on low heat the rice water 

* add the chopped onion

* add 1 Tablespoon cloves

* 1 x tableblespoon Thyme +1 x tblesp fenugreek

* 1 x tablespoon dry coffee

* Simmer on low heat / cool completely

* Filter through a sieve / Save all the golden liquid

* add 1 x teaspoon castor oil / or any oil and refrigerate in a glass jar. up to 7 days.

This recipe are for 2 uses. 

Put the liquid in a spray bottle and rub in  your scalp 

Wrap plastic around your head/ leave on for 1 x hour and rinse and shampoo as usual.

Magic potion in a bottle.

All ingredients found in your kitchen.

Thank you. I hope this will help others, as much as it helps me. 

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