About me

The story of

Kariema Taliep Davids

This is something I wanted to do for the past 30 years. As a child, I belonged to Junior Argus Club and Jelly Bean Journal back then. I sent in my drawings and poems . When I had my own boys (now adults 35 and 27) I used to read to them bed time stories. I wanted to do this like 30 years ago. Family life just gets so busy, I always put it on the back burner, by means I will do this at a later stage. I never got around to do it. Now when I have my grandchildren (Haniyah is now 4 and Muzzaffar is 2), I let her join the same Lansdowne library as my sons. I read stories to her and she loves animals. She very smart and can tell me the story the next day.

This is when I realized, that this is what I actually wanted to do all along. And I also watched a programme in the 90’s ‘BALLADE VIR A ENKELING’. The actor was a writer and he said ..’Moenie dink nie, doen net’. This phrase stuck with in my head forever. And it works for me. Like if one write down a

To-do list, you get only a few things done on that list. But when you don’t think and just do. That works wonders, to me. It was the year of the pandemic and I told myself I need to end this year on a high note. My granddaughter Haniyah was turning 3years at that time. she loves her Pink rabbit and takes it all over with her. She is my greatest inspiration to start this writing venture. This is why I used her as my main character. In NOVEMBER 2020, I started the story and did all the illustrations myself, as I did not wanted digital images and computer graphics, I wanted it original hand drawn. So by end of 2020 my works were done. January /February 2021 was for the production. By March 2021, I Self published my Book 1 ‘HANIYAH AND THE PINK RABBIT’. In May 2020 I started my Book2 ‘HANIYAH GOES TO SCHOOL’. By August 2021, I finished and Self publish in November 2021. The books are like a series, but also not necessarily, as the books have life lessons for kids to learn.

I am writing for the kids genre, but currently working on a Romance Novel.

What a lovely book! I loved the simple easy to read format and the life like illustrations

Nadia Arendse

A lovely book for kids that will inspire them to read. It teaches and encourages kids to sacrifice and give rather than to have so they can instill good values in them from a young age. It also makes them realize that not all kids are fortunate to get what they desire. Indeed an interesting read about sacrifice, sharing , caring love and compassion. Nice to gift to children to encourage them to become leaders.

Fatima Jacobs

A Passioate Love

Haniyah goes to School

Haniyah and the Pink Rabbit

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